March Madness Book Edition

What is March madness book edition?

PTO is gearing up for a March Madness-style book competition! Picture this: books duking it out each week to claim the title of our school's favorite. Here's the scoop:

This entire activity will take place during library time with Ms. Rowan. She will read these books aloud to all students, and then they can cast their votes to crown that bracket's champion.

How does it all work? 

In the Sweet 16 round, three classes will dive into the same two books for all 16 matchups. As the competition heats up into the Elite 8, six classes will be delving into the same two stories.

By Week 3, it's the Final 4, with half the school engrossed in the same tales. And come the final week of March, the whole school will hearing the same two books to determine our ultimate favorite picture book!

All 16 contenders are newly published within the last two years, and they're all about resilience, kindness, and diversity. 

PTO will purchase the winning book for every classroom

Books will be taken to the lounge for teachers to borrow as they fall out of the tournament. At the end of the month, all books will be available to checkout from the library. Check out the full list below!